W10 – Miky bag webbing insert
€ 1.200,00
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
CODICE W10 – Miky bag webbing insert
CODE W10 – Miky bag webbing insert
HEIGHT 28 cm
LENGTH 35 cm
WIDTH 18 cm
LINING pigskin
Additional information
Resi e cambi
I prodotti venduti da SADDLERS UNION SRL sono realizzati rigorosamente a mano. Potranno, pertanto, riportare piccole imperfezioni che incarnano e caratterizzano la riconoscibilità del prodotto “fatto a mano” quale unico e irripetibile. Il diritto di recesso è sottoposto alle seguenti condizioni:
– I Prodotti resi vanno restituiti nella loro interezza e non su parti o componenti di essi anche nel caso di kit;
– I Prodotti resi non devono essere stati utilizzati, indossati, lavati o danneggiati;
– I Prodotti resi devono essere restituiti nella loro confezione originale;
– I Prodotti resi devono essere inviati al Venditore in una sola spedizione. Il Venditore si riserva il diritto di non accettare Prodotti di uno stesso Ordine resi e spediti in momenti diversi;
– I Prodotti resi devono essere consegnati al corriere entro quattordici (14) giorni decorrenti dalla data in cui hai ricevuto i prodotti;
– Nelle ipotesi in cui il Venditore, a fronte dell’acquisto di un pacchetto determinato di Prodotti, offra la possibilità di acquistarli ad un prezzo inferiore rispetto a quello che verrebbe normalmente praticato acquistandoli singolarmente (es. vendite abbinate, operazioni a premio ecc ecc) il diritto di recesso potrà essere esercitato solo con la restituzione di tutti i Prodotti oggetto dell’acquisto, escludendosi pertanto ogni esclusione parziale.
Dove spedire il tuo ordine
SADDLERS UNION Via Margutta 11, 00187 Roma Italia Per favore, ricorda di rispedire il tuo ordine nella sua interezza. Per maggiori informazioni sulla nostra politica di reso, leggi i nostriTermini e Condizioni.Returns and Exchanges
The products sold by Saddler’s Union Srl are exclusively hand-made. As such, they might have small imperfections, which embody and characterise the recognizability of “hand-made” products as unique. The right of withdrawal is subject to the following conditions: - The Returned Products must be returned in their entirety and not merely by parts or components, even in the case of kits; - The Returned Products cannot have been used, worn, washed or damaged; - The Returned Products must be returned in their original packaging; - The Returned Products must be sent to the Seller in a single shipment. The Seller reserves the right not to accept Products of the same Order returned with different shipments; - The Returned Products must be delivered to the carrier within fourteen (14) days since the day of receipt of the product itself; - The right of withdrawal can only be exercised returning all the Products of the order, no partial return can therefore be employed.Ship your item back to Us
Firstly Print and return this Returns Form to: SADDLERS UNION Via Margutta 11, 00187 Roma Italia Please remember to ensure that the item you are returning is repackaged with all elements. For more information, view our full Returns and Exchanges information.Related Products
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.
Entirely handmade in Italy, this product can be realized in four different calf colours: natural, chocolate, ruby red and black.
All our calf hides are coloured by hand by our artisans using a traditional manufacturing process called “Roman”. Every skin that is coloured by hand will then be different by another, and this is just what makes every hide UNIQUE.